Thursday, May 7, 2015

Home Makeover Challenge: Week One

The Home Makeover Challenge Begins

The 30-day home makeover challenge started this past weekend, but after answering the questions about what my vision would be for my home, I kinda put off the whole decluttering thing. I just couldn't face it at first.

You're supposed to pick one room, unless you have a great room and want to do a living room/dining room combination, which is what I chose. And then I avoided it, LOL.

But finally, today, I dove in and am quite pleased with my progress.

Let the Decluttering Begin

Here's what it looked like as I started separating the "I want to keep its" from the "got to gos." My landing is the temporary holding space for all that must leave, but there's no way I'm taking a picture of that. This is what I'm keeping.

The strategy: clear the space, and separate into what you don't want anymore, and what you do want to keep but might need a new home for, and then take a look at your newly-cleared space.

One change I made was to move that sofa table where it is in that picture so I can have a desk. Yay! No more work or homeschooling at the dining room table.

Have a wonderful day!


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