Thursday, September 30, 2010

An Inspired Post from

Creating the Life You Want

In this post, Melissa gives us six tips to create the life we have always wanted. Six suggestions that will help us enjoy life more, right at home where we are now.

I loved them all, but this one was my favorite...

Strive for Imperfection

"Ah, yes, coming from a recovering perfectionist, I can tell you that this is one of the best tips ever if you struggle with perfectionism. Allowing yourself to fall short on purpose, knowing when to say “when” and knowing when you have achieved “good enough” are important parts of living a beautiful life, especially for the perfectionists. Your life will thank you for striving for imperfect."

I think that's important whether we are creating a home for our souls or the life we have always wanted or both!

Read the rest of her post here.

And then, join us both, tomorrow for 31 days of Autumn Bliss!

Have a wonderful autumn day!


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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Blue and Brown Extravaganza

They're throwing a party over at Cottage Instincts! Feel free to join us.

All you have to do is take a picture of your blue and brown room or your blue and brown project, or even your blue and brown outfit (I thought of it) and put it on your blog and jump right in and join the party!

Here are my pics from my blue and brown bedroom...

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

What Does Your Dream Home Look Like?

Does it look anything like this? Which room do you picture first with that question?

I think I see the outside first (because I want it to be surrounded by a lake), but then, I see the living room with a great big fireplace! I want to a big fireplace in the dining room, too, and in the master bedroom.

What about you?

What do you envision?

I'd love to hear from you in the comments section.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

An Autumn Porch (Ideas from Country Living)...

(photo credits: Robin Stubbert)

Furnish Your Outdoor Room: You’ll need at least one comfortable chair (but two is even better), a good, sturdy table, and a throw or a blanket in case you get chill while you’re soaking up the fall atmosphere.

Pretty, Decorative Touches: Add a pretty wreath or a bouquet or both! For the autumn leaf display, get a pretty container (vintage, like the one in the picture, if you can find it) and inside it, place an oasis block you have soaked with water. Arrange your autumn leaves colorfully. The cooler the weather, the likelier it will be that you will find brightly colored leaves for your bouquet.

Tough Furniture: Choose furnishings made of wicker, metal, and wood, that can handle weather changes.

Photo Credit for autumn wreath: Matthew Benson

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

COMING SOON: The Blue and Brown Blog Bonanza!

They're throwing a party over at Cottage Instincts! Feel free to join us.

All you have to do is take a picture of your blue and brown room or your blue and brown project, or even your blue and brown outfit (I thought of it) and put it on your blog and jump right in and join the party!

See you there!


Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Fall Decorating on a Budget (It's Finally Here!!)

My Dream Home Picture

Just this morning, it arrived! I finally own it and it is on the wall in my own home. I am nearly at the end of my fall redecorating extravaganza!

I have a console table on the way, that I will use for homeschooling books, and two end tables that match the style pretty closely (same wood, same wrought-iron legs). I think after that, I am done redecorating for a while.

But What a Transformation

I think I have spent about $500 altogether across a two-three month period and in the process, have transformed three rooms in my apartment: kitchen, living room and dining room! I have a new Tuscan dinnerware set, a casserole dish and a beanpot, a picture hanging above the mantel, two lamps, three tables, two small pictures on my mantel, a small picture that will be a Christmas present, two lanterns that I will use as candleholders for the console or my coffee table and whatever else I decide to buy as a hostess gift.

Hostessing Pays Off

The way I did it was by creating an online party and then, ordering from myself. Each month, both customers and hostesses get really neat deals, so as the customer, I would take advantage of that deal, then as the hostess, get even more.

Let me know if you would like to try it. I got the console and the picture, both almost $200 each, for half price. My dinnerware set was half price also and my casserole, and something I am forgetting, were free.

If you want to take a look around on the Celebrating Home website, here is my link. It will show all of this month's specials.

If you want to be a hostess yourself, to get even more deals, there is a link on the website to tell you more about that or you can let me know in the comment section here.

One neat thing about Celebrating Home is that you can easily do online parties and shop in your pajamas!

See you Thursday with more fall decorating ideas!

Have a wonderful day!! :)


Friday, September 10, 2010

Celebrate Fall & Nurture Your Spirit

Decorating for Fall

Fall is my favorite season!! I swear I can feel fall in the air toward the end of August, in spite of the 90-degree-plus heat and humidity here in the south. And my eye starts roaming around the rooms in my home, looking for ways to begin to add those touches that say "autumn joy."

Well, if you feel that way, too, you and I are in great company. Head over to The Inspired Room and meet the collection of women who are already feeling fall!

Meet Me Here on Tuesdays and Thursdays

Join me every Tuesday and Thursday for home soul tips that will help you bring joy to your home and nurture your soul.

The Blue & Brown Extravaganza

On September 22nd, come back for the Blue & Brown Blog Party and show off something you have created or put together that combines the two colors. Click on the link for more of the details!

31 Days of Autumn Bliss
And starting in October, this blog will post every weekday as I enjoy 31 Days of Autumn Bliss.

Feng Shui Principles

How to get started so you, too, can experience autumn wonder in October? Here are some brief ways to start the process. More on each in the days and weeks to come.

(1) Clear Your Clutter: I am doing that right now but let me admit that I have a ways to go because I am a pack rat.

(2) Clear Your Space: Release any negative energy trapped inside your home. Open the windows, light a candle in each room, mist or smudge the rooms and transform the way your house feels.

(3) Honor Your Alignment: Do you know which element your spirit aligns with most? Find out and choose carefully when you begin decorating.

Have a great weekend!


Thursday, September 9, 2010

Welcome to "Create a Home for Your Soul"...

What does "home" mean to you?

For some it is a temporary resting place in between working 9 to 5 and heading out for night life, or between soccer mom duty to music lesson to den mother to dinner on the table and a collapse until it starts again.

For others, it is a haven. A home for the soul. A place to feel the warmth and comfort of belonging and connection.

What makes the difference?

Well, I believe we can answer that question on several levels, but what I want to emphasize is that there are spiritual and energetic principles that can guide you and techniques you can use to create exactly the home you want.

It can help fuel all that frenetic activity or help create and sustain the quiet, restful haven you long to have. As we begin this blog on how to create a home for the soul, here is an overview of five ways to transform the energy in your home...

Clearing the Clutter: We all know how powerful this action can be in the aesthetic sense, but not everyone realizes and you may not know, yourself, how powerful it can be, spiritually, to get rid of your clutter. If it takes up space, it holds your energy hostage. Getting rid of clutter, one room at a time, or one drawer at a time, will be empowering in ways you can not imagine.

Space Clearing: Your home has absorbed the energy of every person or thing that has ever been there. The builder, the realtor, your family and friends, gifts given and received. It also holds the energy of every argument, every illness, and every struggle with depression or anxiety, unless the space has been cleared. Clearing it gives you and your family the opportunity to start fresh.

Elemental Harmony: Connecting with nature – though it is important to bring the outside in, and also important to have all of the elements represented in your home, you will feel best with a predominance of the element you are most aligned with or connect to most, emotionally.

Creating a Medicine Wheel: Working with the energies of the medicine wheel and creating it physically in your home, using crystals, is a powerful way to infuse your home with healing energy.

Intuitive Resonance: Every single item in your home gives off energy. Each one is either helping to create a sense of wellbeing or creating disharmony. There are things in your home that you do not resonate with, but you may not know it. Finding them and then, letting them go will change the way your home feels immediately.